Wednesday, March 12, 2008


It's 1 am now..half way doing assignment and half way doing my website

As u can see, doing assignments without break can be disastrous as it can increase mental block n decrease motivation.. * ya rite *

So i search n design my new website to kill time.. as u can see my new blog is designed using Wordpress Engine which is much better compared to blogger as certain function such as word editor has limited functions so basically a writer cannot fully express his journalism. Another reason is wordpress has better interface which can attract more visitors.................hopefully ^^

Another thing that is the importance of using a webhost compared to a free 1 @ wordpress or blogspot.... err they suck...why?

Bcoz using personal webhost we can further customise webpages depends on what we want and how we wanted it but it comes with a cost.. free ones out there usually comes with ads with annoys visitors to the site..i hardly visit website which has all those ads especially pop ups,they are pain in the ass

Anyways u guys can visit my this new site using this URL

My new resolution after march is to buy up which belongs to some angmoh staying in US which doesnt update his website at all and the domain gonna expire on 11 july 2008 (Hope he doesn't renew it)

As usual, nothin much to say for now and i shall concentrate on my assignments!! Damn i got 2 assignment to hand in on friday and yet i am procrastinating here blogging >.<"

Monday, March 3, 2008


As you can see, i been neva updating constantly in this past few weeks because of few factors

1. busy with studies
2. busy with gaming
3. busy finding new web host as blogspot has limited capability for a website to perform!!

As i can say this webpage will allocated to another website with different engine!! woohoo!~
most probably using Joomla engine as it is a better CMS and can do more funky stuff(flash games, community stuff and etc etc...)

Just to cut this short as i be having mid term exam tommorow...juz to announce that this website will be allocated somewhere else and Last of All.. another announcement!!