Friday, July 25, 2008

The Falling of a star

There was this star which begun its life very quickly thru the universal process and then before it reaches maturity period it suddenly dies. As you know when a star dies it somehow compact it self until it form a black hole or white dwarf . Although even its a white dwarf, it remain as beautiful as other stars out there although its not in the limelight of the universe. The point i trying to convey here is do not hesitate to do things fast and then enjoy ur work after all the hard work. Same goes to me i like setting up stuff but lazy to write especially blogs :p I belive that good thoughts are meant to be express out from one single individual to another but not to the entire world. It beats the point of mentorship and people will trying stealling ideas. Omgwtfbbq am i writing? Nvm forget it.

I like to built lots of website and design them but lazy to update. Anyways this blog will be like a white dwarf in my universe and there is a shining star out there somewhere.